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Join project ‘Green Army Philippines’ in Coron!

Updated: Dec 31, 2021

While travelling in Coron I got in touch with Charly from an eco-project called ‘Green Army Philippines’. They help local communities by giving them information and guidance on how to use their land in the best sustainable way, to provide for their family and community. This organization is all about teaching, literally from the grassroots up, local out of town communities with poorer conditions how to grow their own vegetables and improve their lives by embracing the sustainable living alongside other projects, like improving the water supply/collection and even manufacturing new local goods from the crops they can grow to earn extra money.

They are now planning to develop houses in the community to enable them to host more volunteers. While we were visiting there they were hosting 2 young people who were spending 15 days with the project. They were Med students from Argentina and they were helping with some of the daily tasks, such as getting water, watering the plants and cultivating the vegetable beds. In exchange, they learn about the local culture and heritage and got to spend their afternoons on that beautiful beach!

We were taken to the Marcilla beach area where the families that need help are living and Charly took us around to show how they live and how the organization is helping them. He shared a few of their future plans on how they will improve the situation in this village, one of his visions includes building a cashew nut factory.

Every Monday ladies from the community led by Anita the lady in my video, are doing a beach cleanup and once in a while, the project organizes beach cleanup parties, where your hard work will get you a magnificent sunset while listening to Island tunes!

If you want to help the local communities in Coron you can join the organization too. Get in touch with them on Instagram @greenarmyphilippines

To find out more and see the actual day in this organisation, check out this video:

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